Butch Walker “21+”

Butch Walker‘s 7th studio album ‘Afraid of Ghosts‘ is set to drop February 3rd on Lojinx and instead of wondering whether or not Punxsutawney Phil will see his shadow to forecast the beginning of spring on that day, just grab ‘Afraid of Ghosts’ and keep warm! You won’t care how much longer winter will last if your soul is flushed with the heat and passion that ebbs and flows flawlessly throughout the incredible track ‘21+‘ (and the rest of the Album.) Trust me on this one.

The fact that it features Johnny Depp on guitar certainly doesn’t hurt – I mean, the man is intelligent (yes, I listed that first), beautiful and is from my home state of Kentucky – not too far up the road from my hometown actually – so that’s an added bonus.

HOWEVER, Butch Walker is a force to be reckoned with in his own right and shouldn’t be overlooked by any stretch of the imagination – no, not even next to Johnny.
Butch’s voice is full of emotion, the lyrics are masterful and the song itself as a whole (Riveting guitar accompaniment included) adds up to an eargasm. Take it with whiskey (straight, no chaser) and you have the perfect cure for whatever ails the soul.
If it can’t be soothed by music and liquor, man, it can’t be soothed. Just sayin’.
Go forth and find your inner peace.


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